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On Page Optimization: Analyzing Competition In Seo 2022

Daftar Isi [Lihat]

On Page Optimization: Analyzing Competition In Seo is an article that we will discuss here. A successful SEO process consists of several steps that need to be taken for internet business people and one of the important steps is to analyze the competition.

On Page Optimization Analyzing Competition In Seo 2022
On Page Optimization

On Page Optimization: Analyzing Competition In Seo

On Page Optimization: Competition plays an all-important role in determining the growth of your business, if you underestimate the completion sooner or later your business will decline in quality. If you run the competition, you will be out of the market in no time. Therefore you not only need to identify your competitors but also look at and analyze how they position their websites to sell their services or products, the question is, are you ready to compete with them?

In the world of Internet marketing, there is no perfect or specific time to analyze your competitors, because at any time that competition will continue to rise even as you read this article. Whether you are at the bottom of the ladder or at the top, competition is always going to be there.

The only thing that will change is the face of the competition, the tactics, and the technology. Competition analysis will help you to find the way to the top of the table or in terms of page ranking.


This article covers the various on-page factors like Meta tags, keyword density, etc. that will affect your standing in the face of competition and determine your fate in an SEO environment. There are basically three key on-page factors you need to consider for competition analysis and they are:

➤ Meta description

➤ URL title

➤ Alt text for images

➤ Tag title

➤ Internal link

➤ Site speed

Meta Tags and titles

In the recent past, the value/usage of Meta tags has gone down but it is still important to add them to your site. More and more weightage is being given to titles as they make an SEO campaign effective.

When you analyze meta tags and titles, you're basically looking for ways to improve the performance or effectiveness of keywords to achieve optimal keyword density and this is your spearhead in business. If you check the KDA tool then it will tell you what percentage of your competitor's tags contain targeted &primary keywords.

You can use some advanced KDA tools to display the average percentage of keyword competition.

Keyword Density

Keyword density is one of the key driving factors for effective SEO. There has been a debate going on for some time now to decide what the optimal keyword density is. Many experts feel that it is unimportant but the truth is that most search engines look for the various on-page factors and to make SEO possible or effective a certain percentage of your online content needs to have the targeted/primary keywords.

It should be noted that the existence of a certain percentage of keywords will show into various search engines that your website is indeed relevant and precise based on a particular phrase. But on the other hand, when we talk about keyword density, it doesn’t mean that your content will be crammed with keywords.

You can always use advanced KDA tools like ahref, google keyword planner, google trend, to help you find the optimal density level for your business or industry. Once you get the keyword phrase, you can use it in the title and in percentages that vary from 1% to 3% depending on the need.

Special Formats

Special formats include different elements used within the content format like colors, highlighting, anchor text, etc. The special format helps in making a particular part of the content stand out especially when a search engine is trying to spider your site.

Positioning is important for special formats as you need to position your keyword in the right places within the content on a particular page. You will also have to position the keyword and the entire content with respect to the page code.

A special format helps in positioning specific content and displays them as important with respect to the rest of the content. If you are able to use special formats well then it will certainly help you to improve your website rankings.

The bottom line is that competition will always exist whether you remain in the industry or whether you change your industry and the best way to fight it is by analyzing it and getting ahead of it and always keeping one step ahead!