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Digital Twin Technologies Explain and Their Applications in Business

Daftar Isi [Lihat]

Let's start from the beginning: We can imagine a concept that sounds like it was taken from a science fiction story, what is a digital twin?

What are Digital Twins?

Digital twins are the work of the digital world that exists in the physical world – sorting systems for example. Maybe we will find it difficult to understand it in the real world because of the complexity, ranging from size, system, and others, but anything can happen.

If you look deeper into digital twins then you will get a good overview and understanding. By observing the digital twin, you will gain a good picture and understanding of the actual system and its processes that look and function in the physical world.

What makes Digital Twins?

Digital twins are a combination of two components, namely data and representations originating from a system. The form itself can consist of two or three dimensions, tailored to the solution provider. Like the BEUMER Group, they only use 3D models when creating representations of this digital twin system.

This data provides a special visual layer on top of it to create information that can be linked to the staff operating the system. And note that digital twins are created to create a direct representation of the system with layers such as temperature, vibration, power, mechanical and electrical states, and the results of the system.

With layers derived from data, similar to SCADA, and what makes it different from the digital twin is the level of information with a more advanced perspective, meaning more advanced than SACD.

Another interesting feature of this digital twin is the presence of a filter that you can use to choose the temperature, consumption so that your observations are more focused. The digital twin is more reliable for gathering information and much more efficient.

The liaison between the physical and non-physical worlds to be used as a tool to analyze a problem, with the right analysis will facilitate the determination of solutions.

Then how does it work? 

The trick is to synchronize from various data sources and then enter it into the algorithm to see the behavior in it. With this algorithm, which every time the data is always increasing, the accuracy of predicting something can be smarter.

Eliminate the risk of your Digital Twin Trip

PLP Analytics takes a very fast and incremental approach to building common ground in the digital world. Here is a very unique incremental implementation stage which consists of several resistances such as.

How to Use PLP Analysis

➤ Integrate your data from surveys, GIS to LiDAR, to bootstrap accurate models of your entire network so you can access them anywhere and anytime.

➤  Create the shape you want with precision using PLP Designer

➤ Keep it easy to operate within your teams, such as construction, maintenance, and asset management with one of the most appropriate sources.

And the last one activates the whole and transforms insight into live-action.